Top Uses for a Kill-a-Watt AC Power Meter

Top Uses For a Kill-a-Watt Meter P4400 AC Power Meter

The Kill-a-Watt P4400 AC Power Meter is a handy tool that every household could use.  It easily pays for itself  after doing a quick energy audit of your appliances. Below are some of the top ways to use the P4400 kill-a-watt:

1. Determine the cost of running your toaster oven, by adjusting the energy meter to a rate comparable to what your utility charges (i.e. $0.10/kwH).

kill-a-watt ac power meter

2. Hack it to be a DIY remote energy usage meter with your Particle Photon. Solder onto the 2902 chip on board the Kill-a-Watt and monitor your current and voltage remotely. Take it one step further by triggering notifications using free 3rd party tools like IFTTT to send you a text when something turns on. **Warning: Use caution when working with high voltage electricity! – similar example project using an Xbee here

3. Measure how much power your electric car is drawing from your 120VAC outlet – example here

4. Find a vampire load in your house (no this isn’t a real vampire, it’s an appliance that is sucking power like a vampire sucks blood!). Determine if your battery charger, coffee maker, or television is sucking up power even when it is turned off.

vampire-load kill-a-watt ac power meter

5. See how much power your holiday lights are consuming. From there you can plug in your cents/kWh and calculate cost. And from there you can calculate how much money it cost you to make all those kids smile as they drove by your holiday lights (hint: priceless).

ac power meter holiday lights
Use a kill-a-watt AC Power meter to measure holiday lights consumption.

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